Article ID 896: This content is not yet published
Article ID 871: This content is not yet published
Article ID 908: This content is not yet published
Article ID 862: This content is not yet published
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Article ID 896: This content is not yet published
Article ID 871: This content is not yet published
Article ID 908: This content is not yet published
Article ID 862: This content is not yet published

Site Index

July. 26th, 2006 20:47 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — updated on Apr. 25th, 2019 16:10 exists for 18 years & 7 months ago - .

global $db, $siteid;

$query = “SELECT id, title, subject, refurl, published, authorid FROM columnarticles where site_id=’$siteid’ ORDER BY title ASC”;

$arts = $db->querySelectAllRows( $query);


$n = count($arts)>>1;

$alphabet=”| “;

foreach ( $arts as $art )
{ if (!hasAccessRightsToArticle($art) ) { $i++; continue; }

if (empty($idx)) $idx = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr($art[title],0,1));

$nidx = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr($art[title],0,1)) ;

if ($nidx != $idx) { $idx = $nidx; $object .= “ 


“; $alphabet .= “$idx | “; }

$allTags = split(“;\s*”, $art[subject]); $tags = “”; foreach ($allTags as $tag) { $tags .= “$tag “; } //$tags = “(Tags: “.str_replace(“;”,”; “,$art[subject]).” )”;

// GET TO ARTICLE PAGE //if (ItsMe()) {print $pageurl; }

if (!stristr($art[refurl],$domainname)) $object .= “$art[title] $tags
“ ; else $object.= “$art[title] $tags
“ ;


$object = “




$common = $object;

Article ID 896: This content is not yet published
Article ID 871: This content is not yet published
Article ID 908: This content is not yet published
Article ID 862: This content is not yet published

Index du Site

July. 26th, 2006 20:47 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — exists for 18 years & 7 months ago  Content not available in English. - .

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1991: High Screen 5 app prototyping tool Highscreen
1994: My book about Rolling Your Own Professional Video Game back in 1993 Addison Wesley Book
1997: Asterix demo Asterix Virtual studio Infogrames
1998 and 2005: Porting my game engine from PlayStation to PC WarStation Asterix


2003: realtime 3D for EGE 3D EGE ExEn
2004: HTTP multiplayer technology MPIF Multiplayer Wireless HTTP
2005: Web-to-Wireless MMO Technology Web-to-wireless MMO Project X
2006: Mobile Earth GIS Technology Mobile earth Google earth Video Streaming GIS
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Jettez un oeil à la gazette interne du projet STORM S.T.O.R.M Stephane de Luca Virtual studio


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Realtime Movement Optical Capture Capture Angel quest Virtual studio GT Interactive
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